The Better Part of Me...

Monkey Tricks
2004-07-06 @ 10:39 a.m.

Dear God,

Just a friendly reminder that Rochester, MN does not equal Seattle, WA and therefore does not need or expect the same amount of rainfall. I know you�re busy, just trying to help here.




Well, it was nice for at least one day this weekend. That was the day I decided to get a summers worth of sun in 8 short hours. Sunscreen is no match for the sun when it comes to my skin and it never fails that no matter how good my intentions are with the sunscreen, I always miss some spots. Like at the hairline. And the back part of my shoulders. And my entire legs. And, by the feel of things, my ears.

Oliver had fun:

Even though we put him to work straightaway on puppy patrol:

My sisters boyfriend turned 21 on Saturday so we grabbed our chaufferer/bodyguard (for the evening anyway) and took him out on the town:

and by out on the town I mean � to that one bar. Where he proceeded to have one beer. Because he is hard core.

The girls, however, had a lot more than one:

I suppose we felt like we had to make sure that somebody partied like they were turning 21.

I hightailed it home on Sunday evening � sunburned and exhausted. I watched the fireworks in my backyard with Sarah T and then crawled straight into bed. I didn�t get out of my pajamas at all yesterday, much to the amusement of the mormon guys who showed up in the late afternoon to talk to me about God. They asked me if they could come in and talk to me about it. Is this normal? Nobody has ever asked to come in to my home to share the word of God with me before. I told them no and felt kind of bad about it until I thought more about the situation. I�m a single female person. I�m not going to be letting two random dudes into my house to talk to me about anything. That�s how people get chopped to pieces in their basement.


I do not watch too much TV.


Oh yeah. Remember this?

Well�now there�s this:



The Station Agent is the best movie ever. I wasn�t prepared to love it the way I did. I also wasn�t prepared to love Peter Dinklage the way I do now. It�s something I�m still wrapping my brain around. In the meantime � shut up. He�s cute.

Mystic River was not what I thought it was going to be. I definitely should have read the book first.

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