The Better Part of Me...

New Things, Joe Millionaire, and How to Grow Old Gracefully
2003-01-14 @ 3:36 p.m.

Yay notes link! Woo! It's a shame, really, that I can't feel all proud of myself for figuring this out on my own. Special thanks to my special ed teacher who patiently guided me through the steps. Or, well, one step, as the case may be.

Man fans will pleased.

So I got to see "Joe Millionaire" last night. I was REALLY disappointed. All the previews just made him look really cute and the premise of the whole show just looked like something I would be easily sucked into. Evan Marriott, however, is just not that cute to me. Except when he smiles. However his smile makes a big difference. Non-smiling Evan Marriott is rather lurch-esque and...goofy looking. Smiling Evan Marriott makes me want to sit with him for hours and hours in some out of the way irish pub while he regales me with tales of his $19K/year job. Maybe he can also tell me the story of HOW he manages to make only $19K/year because the way I have it figured out is that he must just hold the "stop/slow" sign and he must just work part time. I could have fun with that story though, smile or no smile.

I think that someone I know needs to go on one of these shows. I'm nominating my friend Bear to be a chick on the Bachelor the minute I get a good picture of her. It'll be the best present I ever gave her - she can go and win herself a man! A MAN!!

Eh. Anyway, so I was all excited about the snow when I got home last night. I ran in and grabbed a shovel and took Oliver out the back door. He's so funny when I shovel, he gets all mad at the shovel and just starts barking and lunging at it. I, of course, scoop up the snow and throw it at him which sends him spinning away in a fit of doggy hysteria. Good times. So I shoveled and shoveled and one of my neighbors came out and introduced herself to me and it was nice because she's young and I need new friends. So I shoveled and shoveled some more and then I was FINALLY done and of course the snow was already building up in the places I just shoveled. Rather than throwing the shovel at a parked car and screaming "FUCK THE SNOW!" as I would be inclined to do if this happened to me right now, I merrily just shoveled a small path through the snow and danced a merry "fuck the snow!" jig as I let myself back into my cozy little house.

So. Today?

I am so sore. Seriously? I clearly have not worked ANY muscle in my body for the last 5 years or so. This snow wasn't even heavy! Yet, every time I stand up I do this little old woman groany thing and feel fire tear through my shoulders. Clearly a combination of being out of practice AND getting way old.

I sometimes wish I had more to do at work. Actually, I wish that a lot. Work just feeds my internet addiction. I don't have internet at home right now and sometimes I sort of freeze up in this little panic ball trying to figure out how I am expected to communicate with the outside world. Cell phone be damned! I crave the clickity clackety of a keyboard beneath my fingertips!

Oh dear.

That will be all for today.

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100 Things