The Better Part of Me...

Catching Up
2002-12-19 @ 1:23 p.m.

I've never done the internet vanity diary page thing before. I've done a lot of other internet vanity things, but I'm still a diary virgin. Until today, I guess. So much is new in my life lately that I feel like this new step is just somehow appropriate.

So. Welcome to my life! I've been back in Rochester, Minnesota for almost 2 months, after a long strange 4 years in North Carolina. Some people go away to college, I take 4 years to go to North Carolina, work as an office bitch in a severly underpaid and soul sucking "prestigious" university and get my head all fucked up. This is so typical of me. In any case, North Carolina never took, so I packed up and headed back to this northern wonderland and now I'm buying a house, I have a new job, and things are looking up.

Or they were.

What IS it about old "nonfriends?" Why is that so awkward? Why does there have to be awkward conversation? Could we not just politely aknowledge each other and then be on our merry way? Why do courtesy invitations have to be involved? You don't want me there! I don't want to be there! Why do we both assume that the other will be offended if an invitation isn't extended?! You haven't spoken to me in over a YEAR! Do I want to go stay overnight at your boyfriends house? Um. NO! No! I really don't! That sounds like the LEAST fun idea that I've had since the last time I spoke to you! Do I want nonefriend #2's number, so I can call him? Well, NO! Actually, I don't. I have nothing to say to him! I'm not interested in the mundane details of his newly married life! I would like to go now, actually. I would like to pretend that this encounter never happened.

So, of course I took their cell phone numbers and promised to call them if I could make it to their little get together this weekend.

Please note: this is me. Being hard core. Grr.


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