The Better Part of Me...

My Beloved Monster
2005-05-02 @ 3:26 p.m.

"There are things you do because they feel right & they may make no sense & they may make no money & it may be the real reason we are here: to love each other & to eat each other's cooking & say it was good." ~Brian Andreas, Storypeople


Invariably Mondays have me feeling all warm and fuzzy from the weekend. I usually wrap myself up in that feeling and replay scenes from the weekend until I get home and I�m alone and nothing seems right anymore.

Today, right now, if you were to ask me what perfection is, I�d say it�s two of us sprawled across the bed, legs pretzeled together while we provide commentary for the �50 Most Beautiful People� issue of People Magazine.

I�d say it�s waking up to feel his breath against the back of my neck.

I�d say it�s the way he takes the bobby pins out of my hair before going to sleep every night because he knows I forget to do it myself.

I�d say it�s a million and one tiny little things that I can�t think of right now but they pop into my head at the most unexpected moments and they make me smile over and over and over again.

That�s all I got today�

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100 Things