The Better Part of Me...

The Way We Get By
2005-04-28 @ 3:12 p.m.

I walked to Barnes & Noble on my lunch hour yesterday to spend some time in a place that soothes me even though I didn�t have any money to spend.

I decided to browse through their greeting cards because that is what I do, and I fell instantly, madly and helplessly in love with this card. It�s lost some of it�s magic in the scan. I had to doctor it up a bit because the way the card is actually laid out doesn�t scan well at all (and even now it�s pretty crummy looking), but anyway � needless to say that even though I didn�t buy it yesterday, I ran right out during lunch today and got it. I had to. It�s perfect.


This has not been a very good week. Work is driving me batshit crazy (yeah, happy secretary�s week to you too motherfucker) and I can�t seem to find a connection to anything else. I hate this feeling of disconnectedness. I just want to curl up with my puppy. I just want my puppy to be healthy. I just want to not have any more nightmares about killing my puppy and stuffing him in a suitcase.


Nightmares about his demise aside, Oliver is recovering quite nicely. He is ready to be healthy again. We�ve been going through this since the end of February. Yeah. We�re both ready for him to be healthy again. He�s trying to run and he�s started jumping up on the bed when I�m not there to supervise, so he�s definitely feeling better and his legs are feeling stronger. I just can�t wait until he can run. I can�t wait for the day that I can watch him run across a yard and not cringe and yell at him to stop. We�re getting there.

Oh Good God�it�s not Friday yet?

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