The Better Part of Me...

A Little (Valuable) Insight
2005-01-13 @ 11:08 a.m.

Shelly: Stop! Do not overanalyze this!!!
Sarah T: Oh. Right. Coming from the Queen of overanalyzing everything in the world.
Shelly: Why do you people insist on picking up all my bad habits?
Shelly: Here�s the thing�
Shelly: First of all, you�re not going to know anything until this weekend. But for sure by this weekend you will have all the answers that you need, for better or for worse.
Shelly: In the meantime, the overanalyzing is just going to drive you crazy because the bottom line is that guys and girls communicate differently.
Shelly: So you�re going to stress out for the next 3 days because he said "blah blah blah," right? You�ll be all "what does blah blah blah mean? Is he pulling away from me? But if he was pulling away from me then he wouldn�t have said 'blee blee bloo' would he? Then again, maybe he didn�t mean 'blee blee bloo' the way I thought he meant it and maybe he IS trying to pull away from me. Maybe he hates me!"
Shelly: In the meantime, this guy is at home all chilling in front of the TV and eating peanuts [because that�s what guys do�watch TV and eat peanuts] and totally oblivious to the emotional disaster that is going on in your head. Because � he just threw out the "blah blah blah" and figured that would be the end of it.
Shelly: And you have just planned your next 10 conversations around the fact that you think that maybe he was trying to say something else when he said "blah blah blah" and you�re super on the defensive and you�re ready to jump ship and the poor guy is all *munch munch* "mmm, peanuts."
Shelly: So�relax dude. Backburner it until this weekend. One issue at a time here.
Sarah T: Pfft.
Shelly: You hate it when I�m right. Especially because you know that tomorrow I�m going to turn around and completely disregard everything I just said to you and drive you crazy with my own neuroses.
Sarah T: Have you ever noticed how many of our problems could be solved by a 10 second phone call? 10 seconds to a clean slate. This is such a valuable piece of knowledge. Why isn�t it more widely known?
Shelly: Poor marketing. I�ll see what I can do about it�

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