The Better Part of Me...

The Better Part of Me
2005-01-10 @ 11:10 a.m.

Weekend activities included talking.

Lots and lots of talking. Talking into the wee hours of the morning. Talking is the new sleep. Talking is fun. I had fun.

There was very little action.

Especially yesterday when I spent approximately 12 hours on the couch in a catatonic state punctuated by the occasional fist thrown in the air (Hurray Vikings!) and a lot of yawning and sighing.

I dragged myself off the couch around 8:30 p.m. and shuffled into the kitchen where Sarah T. was cleaning (!!!) and announced that I was going to bed.

I fear that perhaps my rock star capabilities are no longer what they used to be.


Miguel: SMan told me that I should read "He�s Just Not that Into You". I got pissed at her because that book is for girls.
Shelly: I think you should read it too though. I think maybe it applies to boys as well, particularly in your situation right now. But mostly I would be interested in your perspective on it.
Miguel: Maybe I will check it out then. SMan also suggested "Hot Sex: How To Do It".
Shelly: Um�I don�t know anything about that book.
Miguel: *sends link* It actually looks kind of cool.
Shelly: Huh! It actually does look kind of interesting. Maybe we should read it together!
Shelly: Wait. No. That would be weird.
Miguel: No, it wouldn�t be weird. I could ask your opinions on technique and stuff.
Shelly: �and you don�t think that would be weird?
Miguel: Absolutely not. You can help me to become a fine tuned sex machine.
Shelly: Oh. Seriously. Gross.


I am not at all pleased by the atmosphere at work today. It�s shaping up to be a pretty crappy day. I should have stayed home. Ah well�forward ho!

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