The Better Part of Me...

A Moment's Respite
2004-12-14 @ 7:33 p.m.

There are days when you wake up and realize that you cannot spend another moment living your regular life.

Maybe your uvula (or, as it's affectionately called in my home, the "hanging down thing in your mouth") is swollen beyond belief and your nose is dripping something that defies description. Maybe you have a body that refuses to regulate it's temperature.

Perhaps you have plenty of things that need to get done at work so you stubbornly shower and get dressed and force down some cereal before stepping out the door. Once you've stepped out the door perhaps your body sort of freaks out on you and your brain has a mini explosion and so, 15 minutes before you're supposed to be there, you call in sick to work.

Today was that day for me.

I called in sick from my car and walked back into the house. I refilled the humidifier I put in my room last night when I felt like I was coming down with something, kicked off my work clothes and hopped back into my jammies and crawled back in to bed.

My roommate poked her head in just minutes later curious as to what she heard going on down here. That's the last I've seen of her. I realize that I left my email open after I sent a note to coworker this morning asking her to pick up my loose ends for the day and I wonder a little bit if perhaps roommate didn't snoop into some email regarding last weekend that maybe I'd rather she not have seen.

It doesn't matter though. It would suck if she read something about herself that I haven't said to her face, but I also haven't written anything about her that I wouldn't say to her face if we were to ever have that conversation.

In any case, I slept until 1 p.m. and woke up with a body that seemed to have figured out how to regulate it's temperature again, but the uvula was still swollen and I'm still talking like a sexy motherfucker (I assure you).

I spent the rest of the day curled up on the couch watching 4 consecutive hours of "Gilmore Girls" Season 1 and eating pancakes with peanut butter (perhaps the best comfort food in the world). I finished my book (Dogs of Babel by Carolyn Parkhurst and it was much better than I had expected. I recommend it highly.) Oliver, seeming to understand that I needed a break from my reality today, has spent most of the day sleeping next to me and whatever the repercussions of this day may be...I think it's what I sorely needed.

I expect to go back to work tomorrow. I have tons of stuff to get done and I do think that as much as I enjoyed this brief respite - I need to stick with my routine and keep getting myself out there.

For now...I have a new book to read and a mug of hot cider to soothe my throat.

I'll catch you back in the real world...

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