The Better Part of Me...

2004-10-27 @ 6:00 p.m.

I should have known that given reality TV's rampant reign over pretty much all of the networks - it would be just a matter of time before someone I knew would be on it. Disappointingly - it's not Bear on The Bachelor even though I had secretly planned to send her application in on several occasions (I was always thwarted by the fact that they want a videotape. It's hard to forge a videotape.), and it's not Sar and I on The Amazing Race. It's actually someone I never would have guessed to be the type (although I'll admit that I'm not entirely shocked by it), someone whose coffee mug I still use for my Saturday morning coffee indulgence and whose accompanying magnet still hangs on my fridge. That's all you're getting right now. I'm going to wait until the show actually airs to go any further with this. I just hope that I'll actually be able to watch the show. Stupid UPN.


The morning began with me all excited and giddy about what the weekend was going to offer. The afternoon ended with pretty much every single thing I had planned being unravelled and me facing another weekend with Oliver & Netflix as my sole company. Not happy about this - but we'll see how things work out. I did get some scary movies in honor of Halloween (I'm also reading a scary book - how festive am I?!).

With that - I'm off to babysit. I had a mild attack of shopping earlier today (1 pair of sneaks, 1 new CD, 5 new DVDs...oops) so this high paying babysitting gig is coming not a moment too soon.

Happy Wednesday!

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