The Better Part of Me...

2004-05-06 @ 12:44 a.m.

I have approximately 18 seconds before my adrenaline rush crashes and I fall asleep on the spot.

I just got home from the Guster concert. If you aren't listening to these guys yet you can't be my friend anymore. If you are listening to these guys and you haven't taken the time (or spent the money) to see them live then you really...really...just should.

It is possible, if you should take the plunge and catch a live show, that Ryan will don a t-shirt thrown to him by a member of the audience and skip down to his skivvies to rock out for a song or two. (Ryan, btw, is a boxer man).

It is also possible that Brian will end the show with an extremely awesome rendition of "Total Eclipse of the Heart" and all the ladies will swoon. Especially if you're really lucky and he's worn the red tshirt with all the holes in it.

It's possible that Joe (who may be performing as an opening act or as a 4th member of Guster or both if you're really lucky) will just begin ad libbing a song about masturbation. Or something.

I've said it before, I'll say it a thousand times again - these guys rock my socks. They just rock - period. They're mesmerizing to watch (especially Brian who just goes to town on those bongos...Thundergod) and entertaining to listen to. This latest concert made it's way into the top 3 ever. Seriously - if you're not listening yet - do yourself a favor and buy an album (the most listenr friendly is Lost & Gone Forever) and if you are listening do yourself a favor and catch them the next time they swing your way.

END Guster Whoring.

Time to crash.

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