The Better Part of Me...

2003-10-16 @ 4:04 p.m.

Apparently Boss' Day is something of a big thing around here, who knew? Everyone I know bought their boss a card or some such today. I have been in the work force for almost 10 years now and I have never ever aknowledged Boss' Day before. I think that explains a lot about the relationship between me and my past employers.

In any case, my boss loved her treats and she hasn't hated me nearly as much as usual today.


An update on the mouse situation.

Sister: dude...mouse that lives in the garage? either he or his little

black mouse friend is dead in the driveway. he was kinda cute. :(

Me: oh sad :( I wonder how he died. Not that I wasn't going to kill him anyway. But...well...maybe they could have lived in the garage. Did I run him over?

I thought the mouse that lived in the garage was gray. Maybe it was his ladyfriend. So sad.

Sister:'s a dark gray. and he's got little spot of blood around him, but he doesn't look smooshed. he's sleeping. I left him there for you to see.

Me: Um. Thanks. Is it right in the middle of the driveway? I bet a cat got 'im! I saw this enormous cat running into the front yard. I hope I don't have cats in the garage now though.

I feel bad. But at least *I* didn't kill him. And at least my neighbors have cats. I wonder what he was doing outside of the garage. Prolly taunting the cat. He seemed like a cheeky little bugger.


Listening To: Colorful by the Verve Pipe

Reading: Bad Heir Day. It's getting goo-od now that the ushy gushy love stuff is starting to happen.

I'll deny having ever said that in about 6 seconds. Just so you know.

Recently Saw: The Stupid Bachelor last night. I used to love Bob, I was all set to send him some fan mail and ask him to road trip to Madison or something so we could meet halfway and grab some mini corn dogs and a beer or something of that nature. I downloaded his craptastic music for God's sake! But now? Wow. Bob is a huge 'tard. Maybe these women bring it out in him. Maybe he and stupid-bitch Lee-Ann would make the cutest couple ever in a bitchy/'tardy sort of way). Maybe his friends will punch him in the face next week, because I think that really? That's what he needs. I would hope that if I were acting like a huge dillhole like Bob is, one of my friends would show up and punch me in the face.

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