The Better Part of Me...

National Boss' Day! Yahoo!
2003-10-15 @ 2:35 p.m.

Tomorrow is National Boss Day (not to be confused with National Lock Up Your Boss Day which sounds just so so much cooler). Who celebrates this day? Who likes their boss enough to buy them gifts as a token of appreciation. Appreciation for what? Not killing me over the course of this past year? Not firing me? "Hey, thanks for not being unbearably bitchy in the last year. Here's some candy. Please remember this candy should you ever get the urge to become unbearably bitchy."

What? No.

As a secretary, I get Secretary's Day (or whatever PC term the cool kids are using for it these days.) I do a lot of shit for a lot of people without really the option of ever saying no. Furthermore, it is expected that I do everything that is asked of me with a smile on my face. I am a combination punching bag/school counselor for the majority of the people I work for and work with and there are days when I leave work and it's all I can do to keep from ripping the hair out of my head. These are balanced by days when I leave work and it's all I can do to keep my eyes open on the drive home. It's a tear your hair out/glue your eyes open type of job, and I deserve a thank you once a year (at least) for it. "Thanks for putting up with all of my shit. Here is some candy. Please remember this candy the next time I come to you with all of my shit."

In any case, the people I work with are perhaps some of the only people in the world who love their boss' enough to celebrate National Boss' Day (pretty sure they were all super teacher's pet at their school back in the day). This, of course, means that I have to too as it would be conspicuous of me to not recognize it, and my boss really is all right as far as bosses go. Fantastic. So tonight I will go home and mix up some kind of chocolatey delight and throw it in a tuperware container, slap a big bow on it and present it to my boss in a begrudging display of brown noseyness.

I'm such a damn martyr.


Retrocrush has a sort of Halloween extravaganza going on over there. I squirmed my way through the "100 Scariest Movie Scenes of All Time" (so far). Check it out.


Listening To: Love Her for That by Teddy Thompson. Cute cute cute song. Plus - his name is Teddy. Love him for that.

Reading: Some more of "Bad Heir Day" by Wendy Holden. I also read the first issue of Blender magazine that arrived at my house yesterday. It seems pretty cool. It appeals to the music junkie in me, although I'm not sure that Blender and I share the same taste in music. I also read Time Magazine's new article on eating healthy. My sister and I spent some time online trying to figure out trans fatty acids, but we really got nowhere, so pretty much I came up with the fact that I need to eat more nuts, less butter.

Recently Saw: One Tree Hill last night. It's still bloody ridiculous. But I'm falling in love, slowly (which means it will last, right?). Chad Michael Murray. Really, that's all I need to say. From now on my little updatey review things will just say his name, because it's really all you need to know. CMM - pouts, smiles, scowls, punches, digs holes, gets pissed at his BFF, and broods and broods. It's truly scrumptious.

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