The Better Part of Me...

From the Road
2003-10-04 @ 10:21 a.m.

A lull in activity here in the funshine state (yeah, I just made that up) allows for a rare Saturday update.

North Carolina is exactly how I left it almost a year ago. It's interesting to me how easily we've all slipped back into our old roles, and how almost everyone here sucks. I called some cab companies yesterday afternoon to investigate some fares and check on availability and found myself on the receiving end of a "what-for" from a man who swore up and down that I had just called him and asked him the exact same questions. A brilliant "no, I didn't." "Yes. You did." argument ensued and finally led to my cry of "SIR! I HAVE NOT CALLED YOU BEFORE. EVER. I DID NOT CALL YOU TEN MINUTES AGO AND I PROBABLY WON'T CALL YOU TOMORROW WHEN I NEED THE CAB." I noted on my cab notes sheet (I'm a huge nerd, get over it) that the man was rude and am currently enlisting enormous brawny men to kick his ass for me.

Speaking of enormous brawny men, my old roommate G has apparently decided to sculpt his body into an exact replica of "The Hulk" (minus the green). The man is solid. I practically bounced off of him when I met him at the airport with an exuberent hug. He looks fantastic, if a little meathead like. It disturbs me a little how we picked up where we left off as though it hasn't been a year since we last saw each other and as though we've kept in touch religiously for the year that we've been apart (we haven't. To say our communication was sporadic would be an overstatement.) I find that while hanging out with my North Carolina "urban family" - nothing at all has changed. This is both wonderfully reassuring and terribly discomfiting at the same time. The roles that we played to each other weren't always healthy.

The drinking has commenced. We wasted no time hitting the bars on Thursday night, although after spending approximately 10 hours in various airports, I wasn't up for an all out glutfest. It was for the best anyway as Miss M and G both had to work yesterday. Last night we kicked it up a notch and drank our way to a $100 bar tab by midnight. I met Miss M's ex boyfriend and it made me sad because he seemed like an incredibly sweet guy, but I know that there are issues that will not get worked out and that the very kindest thing they could do for each other is to let the other go. I also know that they won't. I have been in that place before. God help me to never go back to that place again. I became looser with my hugs and found myself draped over various people, some of whom I had just met, at different stages throughout the evening. This is a telltale sign of my intoxication folks, I am a bit stingy with the affection when I am sober. This morning I awoke with a slight knocking behind my eyes and the dryest throat in the world. After an approximately 15 minute coughing fit and 3 cups of coffee, I think I'm going to make it. I had better make it. Tonight is the beer festival and plans for Irish Car Bombs. I'm prepared to crawl home if I have to and have been forbidden from cussing (which is futile as the cuss is a way of life for me). It should be interesting. I'm hoping for shenanigans. I will let you know how it goes...


Listening To: Without You by Justincase and Michelle Branch.

Reading: Cause Celeb. This book is awesome. It took me a while to get into it, but about halfway through it really starts to come together and I'm glued to it now. It'll be done by the end of the day probably.

Recently Saw: An entire days worth of daytime TV yesterday including the Dawson's Creek when Joey meets Charlie and sings "I Want You To Want Me" with his band all crazy like and then he's all "I want you to want me" and she's all "Girl, please, I know about Jen Lindley" and he's all "I fucked up, I'm sorry. I love you." and she's all "Yeah, I'll sleep on it." and you totally know that they're gonna get together and you don't even really care because seriously - it's Chad Michael Murray and...yum. Awesome.

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