The Better Part of Me...

Cruella de Snob
2003-06-12 @ 2:01 p.m.

I got an e-mail from a guy who "found me online" the other day. I'm not really looking to meet anyone that way right now, so I was pretty skeptical, but I looked up his info and saw that he was from around here and thought "aw, what the Hell - I'll give it a shot..." because always, always in the back of my head is this tiny voice going "don't close this door goddammit! You never know when Mr. Right's gonna come meandering into your life! And you know he's going to meander. You KNOW it." Sooo...I wrote him back.

And then he wrote me back. And, I swear to God he said this, wrote "So tell me more about you. What do you think of me?"

I had to read the line six times before I believed he had really gone there. I'm sorry, what? Is this some kind of Seinfeld rip-off? "Enough about me. Let's talk about you. How do you feel about me?

Well, I guess now I feel like you're gaytarded (thankyouverymuch Jeremy Broomfield).

I've been thinking about it since then, and I wonder if maybe it's just that written communication isn't this guys forte. Perhaps there was an entirely different tone that I should have read that in, or maybe the words just wouldn't come to his fingertips, but they flow like sweet honey from his lips. Perhaps it's not fair to kick this one aside based on this one e-mail.

However - if written communication isn't your forte, and you know you have a problem with it? Should internet meeting be your chosen method of meeting members of the opposite sex? I wonder this a lot. Do the people who post personal profiles with an "I don't know what to say here, I talk better in person" in the "Tell More About Yourself" box think they're giving themselves a leg up over anyone else in the dating pool? Or am I just a writing snob that way? Because I feel like I could meet an illiterate moron anywhere in the world and that is, after all, what the local bars are for. If I'm going to meet someone via the internet? I expect him to captivate me. I expect well written letters, few to no misspelled words, and the ability to translate his thoughts into words, on paper, in such a way that makes me burst into giggles, sigh with anticipation, or at the very least grin fondly at my computer monitor.

That, my friends, is why I am not really interested in meeting someone through the internet anymore. These people are few and far between and the rest of them bore me to tears.

Internet Writing Snob.

Someday there will be a role on a soap opera for someone just like me.


Listening To:

Still Reading: The Shipping News - still not sure what to think.

Recently Saw: The new episode of the Osbournes last night. Ozzy has a coke nail and it was totally killing me.

However, he made up for it with his whole...forgetting how to drink water antics at the dentist. That was some funny shit, yo.

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