The Better Part of Me...

2003-06-05 @ 12:38 p.m.

It would seem that God is kicking my ass for the weekend of debauchery and rock star living in which I just divulged. Today? I am home sick. My throat is so swollen that it is basically stuck together. I am running a fever, my eyes and nose are dripping all over the place and I am, basically, in pretty rough shape right now. I've slept most of the day away, but it hasn't really assuaged the guilt I feel at calling in sick to work. I was, after all, off on Monday, so I feel as though I don't deserve the day off today. Even though this is not fun, I haven't been conscious for more than an hour of it yet, and I'd be useless (USELESS) at work anyway. There is always guilt. Sweet guilt.

In any case - I've got nothin' today. I came home from work last night and went straight to bed. I've slept all day today. These things do not make for very entertaining updates and yet I insist on rambling about them anyway. I'm the coolest.

That's it for now. It's back to bed for me.


Listening To:

Reading: The Honk & Holler Opening Soon by Billie Letts. She wrote "Where the Heart Is" and this book seems pretty good so far.

Recently Saw: Seriously? Pay attention. I went to bed at 7 last night. SEVEN.

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