The Better Part of Me...

The One Where I have Absolutely Nothing to Say
2003-04-08 @ 1:09 p.m.

I am not in the mood for work this week. My boss is in a yelling mood and I am in a fucking things up mood and the two combined just don't mesh very well. I need to become independently wealthy - pronto because I'm quite certain, now, that I am not cut out for this line of work.

In other news - I have no other news.

This guy knows what I'm talking about.


Listening To:

Reading: The TWOP recap for American Idol from last week. I need to start a new book, I know.

Recently Saw: Red Dragon last night. It was better than I had heard it was going to be. Certainly not the best of the Trilogy, but it was entertaining! Plus - Ed Norton.

I also watched that crap "Married by America" show last night. How can people watch this and not want to punch those people in the face? How can anyone be within 8 feet of Billie Jean and not want to punch her in the face? How can people not realize the difference between wanting to marry the man you love and just wanting to get married? Why would a guy even think about marriage if he couldn't trust himself to stay faithful to his "fiancee" for one measly weekend in Vegas?

Ohhhhhhh - maybe the $500,000 has something to do with it, y'think?

Seriously - can someone just...kick them for me? Or even just a swift elbow to the gut. I'm a big fan of the elbow as a weapon.

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