The Better Part of Me...

2003-03-17 @ 3:56 p.m.

I attended my first baby shower every yesterday. It was - strange. Nothing at all like what you'd find on TLC's A Baby Story (or so my sister says - I can't watch that show cuz it grosses me out. Yeah. Maternal Instincts? Hello? *tap tap* are you in there?) In any case, I do love babies when I get to give them back and this particular one was very cute. I must say that it was quite fun to actually hold the baby (Ohhhhhh...THERE you are Maternal Instincts. *shew* I was beginning to worry) and it's quite awe inspiring that whole "tiny perfect human" thing.

In any case, we're sitting there - my mom, my sister & my sister in law when we noticed that none of the babby daddy's family was there. That's odd, isn't it? Like the paternal grandmother and aunts and stuff are usually included in these things, right?

So the conversation went as follows:

Mom: None of R's family is here. That's strange.

Me: Is it? Are you sure none of his family is here? Who's that lady over there?

Mom: No - that's a maternal grandmother. There's none of his family here. That's so weird. Like - when you have a baby, if you know who the father is - I will totally invite his family to the baby shower.

Me: If?

Mom: *laughing*

Me: Thanks. So - if I don't know who the father is, I assume we'll just invite all the families of everyone it could possibly be then?

Mom: *laughing* OH! That would be so funny.


Mom: Wait. No. It wouldn't be funny really, would it?

Me: Well. No. Not really Mom.



For fun last Saturday my friends BV & HW and I had a slumber party. Honestly? I don't remember the last time I had a slumber party. People coming to visit me in North Carolina don't count because it wasn't a real slumber party. Technically, this probably wasn't either as we all fell asleep in different rooms and we each got a bed and not one of us made it up until dawn, but all of the other ingredients were there. Most notably? Laughter. Honestly, I don't remember laughing like I did last weekend in ages. There we were all crowded around this ancient yearbook doubled over laughing until we cried over how utterly dorky we were in high school. And? Lest there be any doubts in your head - we were incredibly dorky. We had fun though, and it gives us something to laugh about now - so I wouldn't change a thing.

This may be the last slumber party we ever have, so that made it sort of bittersweet. BV is getting married in May and HW began her move to Alaska this morning and the chances of us all being in the same place at the same time in our lives again are pretty slim. It's nice to remember that these guys are out there though - and that I can still laugh like that sometimes.


If you ever get the chance - just stay quiet and pay attention to all the weird body noises that people make.

People are just always making weird noises. Most of them just blend in with the rest of the world's white noise.


Listening To:

Still Reading: Strangers by Dean Koontz

Recently Saw: I'm going through a serious television withdrawl right now. It's great! It means I'm getting a life! (kind of). So most recently? I saw some more of someone new and interesting and ALSO saw some super dear old friends. All in all? This weekend was a superstar.

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100 Things