The Better Part of Me...

About that graceful aging thing...(Also: Frugality Feud!)
2003-01-16 @ 1:51 p.m.

I am clearly not young anymore.

This morning I overslept. WHOOPS! 20 minutes even! I'm such a creature of habit that 20 minutes out of my daily morning routine sort of sends me into a tizzy. It was cool though, because there are certain things I can live without. Underwear & showering for instance. However, I was NOT blessed with the good hair genes, and therefore the hair must be washed or I will look all greasy and limp by noon.

SOOOOO - I chose to do the half shower thing. Everything was moving along quite smoothly until I knelt on the linoleum to dip my head under the water shooting from the tub faucet and...."CRUNCH!"

Yeah. That was my knee.

There has been a lot of grimacing and tiny moans ever since then. I keep hiking my pants leg up to check and see if it's swollen and purple yet, but alas, it stubbornly shows no signs of damage. Only scaley pasty white winter knee skin.

I'm so sexy.

So I may be going to see Catch me if you Can tonight. Whoopie! At least, that's what I hope they're going to see. My friend Sarah is going with a bunch of her friends and I decided to suck it up and tag along. Depending on which movie they decide to see. My mom is currently trying to convince me that I need to drive across town and pick up discount movie tickets after work. My mom doesn't believe in paying for things that are not on sale. My sister's favorite story about my mom is from when they were shopping for white elephant gifts at Good Will and my sister found something and my mother looked at her and said "No no...that one's not on sale!"

At the Good Will Store.

So needless to say, paying full price for a movie is hogwash, according to my mom. I, on the other hand, am supposed to have dinner with my grams and gramps this evening so I will not drive across town to pick up the discount movie tickets. Brace yourselves folks, this could get ugly. Refuting my mom's attempts to make me more frugal and thrifty never pans out well for me. She'll probably end up grounding me or something, which will be interesting given that we're living in separate homes now. And also? I'm 25. But don't think she won't try!

What a ho hum kinda day...

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