The Better Part of Me...

Thank You
2004-11-24 @ 9:44 a.m.

While I was living in North Carolina I wrote a Thanksgiving Letter every year. I haven�t done that since I moved back here. I�m not sure if it was just easier to see what I�m thankful for from far away, or if I�ve just gotten lazier (the truth is that it could be either thing and is probably a mixture of both).

It�s time to start again. At least for this year. At least for right now.


I�m thankful for my life � the way it is. The way I have made it. I�m thankful for my past, for the decisions I have made that have brought me to where I am now. I�m thankful for the opportunity to learn from my mistakes and to grow in love. I�m thankful that my life isn�t always easy, that sometimes it hurts enough to make me cry. I�m thankful that I have to work for every single thing in my life. These struggles have taught me the importance of hard work. These struggles have taught me that there is laughter beyond the tears. These struggles have taught me that these struggles are worth it.

I am thankful for each and every person who has molded me. Every person who has come along and chipped into who I am and left their mark � for better or for worse.

I am thankful for my friends who pick me up every single time I fall. I�m thankful that these friends know the value of my worth even when I forget it. I am thankful that these friends aren�t afraid to tell me that I am beautiful even though I almost never believe them. I am so very thankful that my dearest friends know how to go beyond assuring me that I am loveable � they show me. I am thankful for these people who make me laugh when I�m feeling blue, who let me cry when I need to, and who know that just because I�m screaming into their faces doesn�t mean that I am screaming at them. I am beyond thankful that there are people in this world with whom I am comfortable screaming at, who allow me to feel that kind of pain and anger and encourage me to express it. I�m thankful that these very same people can, minutes later, pick me up off the floor and take me out, get me drunk and make me laugh until I forget that the world is scary and life is painful. I am thankful for my friends who will sit with me for hours on end while I�m picking apart a problem all the while rolling their eyes at me and telling me I overanalyze everything. I�m thankful, so very thankful, for the honesty that I live with every day � even when it hurts me, even when it starts a fight, and even when it�s the last thing I want to hear. I am thankful beyond words that I am surrounded by people who do not tell me what I want to hear, they tell me the truth. I am thankful for the truth.

I am thankful for my family who puts up with none of the bullshit that I mentioned above. I am thankful that my family keeps me grounded and won�t allow me to be a hysterical mess. I am thankful for a mother whose motto is �life is too short� and who taught me how to lasso my negative energy and turn it into something positive. I�m thankful that she taught me not to sweat the small stuff. I�m thankful that my family is there, every time I turn around, and when I�m feeling particularly lost or particularly lonely I only need to spend an hour in their company to feel like me again. I�m thankful that my family belly laughs, that we genuinely enjoy each others company and that when things are tough (and scary) we are there, 100% to hold each other up. I am thankful for my sister who is also my best friend. I am thankful that she is as much a part of my life now as she was when we were kids (only now with significantly less fighting!). I am thankful for my grandparents who celebrated 50 years together this year � and who have taught me more about love, hard work & commitment than probably anyone. I am thankful that my gramps is still around, still playing jokes on me and still enjoying life to the best of his ability. I am thankful that I have had so much time to spend with him since he�s been sick, but I�m even more thankful that I spent so much time with him before that � while I was growing up.

I�m thankful for my dad, who is a good person. I�m thankful for the struggles I�ve had (and continue to have) with our relationship. I�m thankful that my anger recedes as I get older and that I settle, continuously, into a friendly relationship with the man whose DNA and sense of humor I share, but little else beyond that. I�m thankful for the self awareness to know that my relationship with my father is partially my responsibility and for making those baby steps towards taking responsibility for it.

I�m thankful for growing up. I�m thankful for the ability to let go of what hurts me and hang on to what brings me happiness. I�m thankful for the ability to know the difference between the two. I�m thankful for my crazy little dog who can turn a bad day entirely around simply by being wiggly and squeaky excited when I walk in the door. I am thankful for my house and my car and for neighbors who clear the snow off my sidewalk.

I am thankful for you, internet. I�m thankful for the notes you leave in my guestbook even if I don�t always respond. I�m thankful for you reading this journal even if you never let me know you�re out there. I�m thankful for you writing your own thoughts/feelings in your own journals so that I can read them and be entertained and, on occasion learn something.

Life is sweet. I am so thankful for everything.

Happy Thanksgiving y�all�

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