The Better Part of Me...

Me and My Old Lady Body
2003-02-04 @ 1:57 p.m.

I am going to be 26 next week.

Normally I wouldn't make mention of this as 26 is sort of a blah age to be, but it has started to disturb me lately as I notice that my body is turning into an old lady body.

I'm not even kidding.

The first inkling came when my knee crunched as I was trying to take a half assed shower a few weeks ago. I gimped around on that knee for a good week and a half before I could finally walk on it normally again. At the same time my chest started hurting, particularly every time I coughed, but also every time I moved. Apparently this is normal after suffering a 10 week cold and shoveling 8 tons of snow. It's a combination bruised ribcage/sore muscle reaction. It is also great fun.

I could have, and had - actually, attributed all this to bad luck, and my body just acclimating from the moist southern climate to the dry midwestern climate but then my feet joined in the frey.

Apparently I need orthopedic SHOES or some shit now. My oxfords and maryjanes aren't getting the job done, so by the time I get home at the end of the day my feet are cramped and sore. If you had asked me last Friday night, I'd have SWORN to you that I had a stress fracture in the arch of my left foot. It didn't even feel better when I laid down. I wound up having to prop the foot on a pillow and pop two aleve before the incessant throbbing reduced to a nagging ache and I was able to get to sleep.

Folks, I don't even wear heels. The biggest heel I have on a shoe is the 2 inch square heel on a pair of boots. I don't even wear said boots to work. The biggest heel I have on a pair of work shoes is maybe an inch. MAYBE. I obviously just have old feet to match my old knees and old ribcage. This is so depressing.


"Jesus" just sent me an e-mail telling me to be stress free without bills. It's so nice that he writes from time to time...


Listening to:When The Stars Go Blue by Ryan Adams.

Reading:Still Reading "A Virtuous Woman" by Kaye Gibbons. Also - my weekly dosage of TWoP recaps. I laughed out loud at the one for The Osbournes. I don't even really watch the show anymore, but Stee is a funny bloke.

Recently Saw:Joe Millionaire last night. *PUKE* I'm really starting to think that Evan may be a leeeeettle bit touched in the head. He is not so bright. And this show? Almost painful to watch sometimes.

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