The Better Part of Me...

Internet Nutjobs
2003-04-04 @ 2:06 p.m.

Dear Crazy Internet Fuckjob Mental Case,

Thank you very much for always staying away from me, respecting my space, my privacy, and my boundaries even when I engaged in behavior that may or may not have made my boundaries questionable (for example, the entire year that I was 22).

However, while I appreciate the fact that you've never come after me, I would like to also ask that you stay far away from my friends as well. I do not know how you could possibly think it's flattering or even "a good idea" to hunt down the girl you've shared e-mail correspondence with (3 times) by lifting her last name from the phone book and calling every number with that last name until someone pointed you in the right direction and then calling her and scaring the piss out of her because - y'know - she never really intended to meet you. There was no interest there. You had your chance and you lost. She didn't give you her number for a reason assclown. And as if calling wasn't bad enough? You didn't even have anything to say to her! "Do you have anything you want to say to me?"

I'm sorry, what? What is that? Who does that? "Why no, crazy stalker, I have nothing to say to you. Why would I? WE ARE NOT IN A RELATIONSHIP. I OWE YOU NOTHING. NOW GO AWAY."

But no - no - I have surrounded myself with some of the nicest people on the face of the earth. She didn't tell this guy to jerk off - she told him the truth. She's busy right now. There's a lot of family drama in her life and she's taken on a lot of new responsibilities and she doesn't have time to start something new & she doesn't think it'd be fair to drag someone through this with her.

So crazy stalker dude? Says he'll wait.


People, crazy stalker dude has never even met my friend. They sent each other THREE e-mails. That's it! And she stopped writing him because he'd never write back - his responses were always something along the lines of "call me..." and - well, no. Why? Well, THIS is why. You're fucking crazy and scary and most of all STUPID.

I swear to God - if this nutjob has the balls to rear his ugly head again, I'm stepping in.

Why am I always the one stepping in. People need to stop fucking with my friends, yo.

That is all.


I don't know why I e-mailed my horrific ex yesterday.

I don't know why I did it.

Did I need to hear that last year was particularly hard for him but that he'd made it through with the help of his "lovely wife" and "lazy bum dog?"

Apparently I did.

Why am I so naughty? What's so wrong with letting sleeping dogs lie? I know this is only going to end in a huge argument because he still thinks he's God's gift and I still think he's spawn of Satan. We're like oil and water, we two. And I, apparently, just needed a sparring partner or something.

Or to scratch at old wounds perhaps. Good times.


This weekend promises to be another good time. All plans to work on the house have been cancelled - so a lazy weekend lies ahead! Hooray! The Counting Crows concert is on Sunday. Two weekends in a row. I could get used to this. Yahoo!


Listening To:

Reading: Finished Advanced Sex Tips last night. Good times, that. Currently reading the Time Magazines that have built up while I was trying to finish my book. I'm educating myself on this war as I feel more passionately about it every day. When I argue my beliefs, I'd rather sound intelligent than - well - not intelligent. Good plan, huh? I slay me.

Recently Saw: SOME of Thursday night lineup while I was on the phone counseling my distraught (see above) friend through the horror of "the phone call." Yes. Some chicks will do anything for a good story.

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