The Better Part of Me...

2003-03-21 @ 10:14 a.m.

It has been a very melancholy week.

I had initially decided to not bother getting out of bed tomorrow, but then remembered I have a "tax paying party" to go to at my mom's house tomorrow afternoon. My mom sure knows how to have a good time and I am tres excited about it.

I'm having a hard time holding on to one train of thought right now so I'm just going to stop trying and refuse to apologize for any illogical steps this entry may wind up taking. I'm tired of trying.

I gave myself a pedicure last night - which obviously means that I cut my feet all to hell. Damn the woman who taught me the shaving razor trick. I get so carried away with the idea of soft tender feet and never remember that the ultimate result is always dried bloody cut feet. Not so sexy. The lesson here is that pedicures are best left to the professionals and my cheap ass should not be trying to cut corners on this. My cheap ass is currently sticking its fingers in its ears and hollering *NEENER NEENER NEENER I CAN'T HEAR YOU LA LA LA* to ensure that the next time the urge to groom my feet comes along, I will make the exact same mistakes and end up with the same cut, bloody feet. My feet are entering into negotiations regarding whether or not the risk of staying attached to my ankles beats the risk of detaching themselves now and making a run for it.

I don't know. I just write this shit.

I love that there is Oliver hair all over my desk. I should start saving it in a little ball and keep a "mini Oliver" in the corner of my desk. That would not be weird.

I am sad that my favorite guy in the lab across the hall is leaving. He stopped by a minute ago and thanked me for my smile.

That's nice.

I'm going to miss him in a weird "but...I didn't even know you!" sort of way.

I'm tired and I feel kind of disconnected. I'm disappointed in people again and take extreme comfort in just being alone with my dog. I suppose this is the way it's supposed to be for me right now and I will not fight it.


Listening To: If You're not the One by Daniel Bedingfield.

Still Reading: Strangers by Dean Koontz and it just keeps getting more and more fucked up.

Recently Saw: Thurday night re-runs. Blah.

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